How long does it usually take for a Custom Agent to resolve a dispute?

The time taken for a Custom Agent to resolve a dispute on Zenland can vary depending on the complexity of the case. Typically, the resolution process is designed to be thorough and efficient, ensuring a fair outcome for all parties involved. Custom Agents, with their expertise and experience, aim to provide timely resolutions while paying attention to the specific details of each dispute.

In simpler cases, where the dispute involves straightforward issues and both parties present clear evidence, a Custom Agent might be able to resolve it within a shorter timeframe, often around 12 to 24 hours. These cases usually require less intricate investigation, and the resolution process is streamlined.

However, in more complex disputes that involve intricate details, industry-specific nuances, or extensive collaboration with the involved parties, the resolution process may take longer. Cases requiring specialized knowledge or research may extend beyond 24 hours, with some even spanning up to 96 hours or more. Custom Agents invest the necessary time to thoroughly review evidence, communicate with the parties involved, and craft resolutions tailored to the unique aspects of the dispute.

This variability in resolution time ensures that each case receives the attention it requires, striking a balance between efficiency and attention needed for a fair and just outcome.

Where do users leave a review or provide feedback about the Agent?

Users can leave reviews or provide feedback about the Agent directly under the closed escrow contract on Zenland. This ensures that the feedback is specific to the transaction that occurred, and the Agent handling the dispute. Whether a user is a buyer or a seller, they have the opportunity to share their experience and rate the Agent’s effectiveness, professionalism, and fairness.

These reviews, along with reputation data, become a part of the Agent’s profile page offering transparency and accountability within the Zenland community. This feature allows participants in the platform to make informed decisions based on the experiences of others, contributing to a trustworthy and reliable environment for online transactions.

In cases where users encounter incompetent or biased Agents, Zenland encourages them to report such instances to the community. Reports can be submitted through channels like Telegram or other official social media channels of Zenland.

The reported Agent will be evaluated, and if their conduct is confirmed to be unfit, strict measures, such as suspension, will be taken. This reporting mechanism reinforces Zenland’s commitment to maintaining a fair and secure dispute resolution process.

Can I choose a specific Agent I trust for dispute resolution?

Yes, on Zenland, users have the option to choose a specific Agent they trust for dispute resolution when creating an escrow contract. This feature allows users to have more control over the resolution process by selecting an Agent who they believe possesses the expertise and integrity needed for their specific case.

When initiating the escrow contract creation process, users can provide the cryptocurrency wallet address of a specific Agent they wish to assign to the case. That said, the Agent users wish to assign in case of dispute must first apply and be approved as Zenland Agent. 

Learn more about the process of becoming an Agent and arbitrating escrow disputes from the Zenland Documentation.

If the provided address corresponds to a Zenland-approved Agent, that particular Agent will be assigned to the case for dispute resolution. This empowers users to bring in individuals they trust, whether it is based on previous positive experiences or recommendations within the community.

However, if users do not have a specific Agent in mind or choose not to specify one, the system will randomly assign an Agent to the case in the event of a dispute.

This ensures that even if users don’t have a preferred Agent, the resolution process remains impartial and fair, with a neutral party stepping in to facilitate the resolution.

What evidence must be provided to the Agent for dispute resolution?

In the Zenland dispute resolution process, clear and compelling evidence provided by both sides is important to make a fair and effective resolution. When a dispute is escalated, both the buyer and seller are expected to present evidence to support their claims and provide insights into the nature of the disagreement. 

This evidence may include screenshots of communication, transaction records, and any relevant details about the agreed-upon terms in the contract chat.

As the primary resource for communication and evidence submission the contract chat, where buyers and sellers engage in discussions and share information related to the transaction. This chat serves as a chronological record of all interactions, ensuring transparency in the dispute resolution process.

Furthermore, to support their claims, users can provide links to external websites, posts, or any additional online resources within the chat. These links, when submitted as factual evidence with relevant explanations, will be considered by the assigned Agent during the resolution process. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the dispute, as users can reference external sources that substantiate their arguments.

By facilitating communication within the contract chat and allowing the submission of links as supporting evidence, Zenland enhances the depth and accuracy of the information available to Agents. This comprehensive approach enables Agents to make well-informed and fair judgments, considering all relevant details and evidence presented by both parties involved in the dispute.

What happens if the Agent is not specified and the contract is disputed?

In scenarios where the Agent is not specified during the creation of an escrow contract on Zenland, and a dispute arises between the contracting parties, the system assigns the Agents at random. This means that if the contract is escalated for arbitration, the Agent assigned from the pool of approved and eligible arbitrators will assist in resolving the dispute.

This random assignment is a key feature of Zenland’s commitment to impartial and fair dispute resolution. It ensures that neither party has control over the selection process, minimizing the potential for bias and maintaining a level playing field for both the buyer and seller. The assigned Agent will then carefully review the evidence presented, communicate with the involved parties, and reach a verdict based on the specifics of the case at hand. 

It’s worth noting that this randomized assignment process is designed to provide an objective and neutral perspective, allowing for a transparent and just resolution. Users can trust that, even without specifying a particular Agent, Zenland will ensure unbiased third-party assistance in resolving the dispute fairly and efficiently.

How Custom Agents are requested and assigned to dispute escalation cases?

To request a Custom Agent for a dispute escalation case on Zenland, users can follow a straightforward process.

When filling out the escrow contract form for a deal, if a user knows or wishes to invite a specific person as a neutral arbitrator (Custom Agent), they simply need to provide the Agent’s cryptocurrency wallet address in the designated field.

If the given address corresponds to an approved Zenland Agent, that individual will be assigned to the case.

Alternatively, if a user does not have a specific Custom Agent in mind or chooses not to make a special request, they can proceed with creating the escrow contract without any specific agent information.

In such cases, if the contract is later escalated for arbitration, Zenland will randomly assign an Agent to the dispute. This ensures that even without a specific request, users still benefit from a neutral third party to facilitate a fair and unbiased resolution of their dispute.
To know what the dispute process looks like on Zenland explore the Escrow disputes section

What time is given to Agents to review and resolve the case?

Agents on Zenland do not operate under strict time constraints for reviewing and resolving cases. 

Instead, they are encouraged to dedicate the time necessary to thoroughly understand the intricacies of each case and provide fair, thoughtful resolutions. The emphasis is on quality rather than speed, ensuring that Agents can invest the required effort and expertise to deliver well-considered decisions.

This lack of a specific time limit allows Agents the flexibility to delve into the details of the dispute, engage with the involved parties, and gather the information needed for a comprehensive resolution. By removing the pressure of a deadline, Zenland promotes a dispute resolution process that prioritizes thoroughness, fairness, and the best interests of the users involved.

That said, to ensure that each case receives the Agent’s attention sufficient for making a reasonable conclusion, time is one of the self-assessment criteria for Agents when determining their commissions. 

 You can see the self-assessment matrix along with its explanation in Zenland Documentation.

How much is the Agent’s commission for dispute resolution, and how it is paid?

Zenland Agents earn a commission ranging from 1% to 3% of the total escrow amount involved in the disputed contract. This commission is determined by the Agents themselves, based on their evaluation of the time and effort invested in resolving the case, using the self-assessment matrix provided in the Agent’s Handbook. For instance, if the escrowed funds amount to 500 USDT, an arbitrator may charge between 5 and 15 USDT, depending on the complexity of the case.

As for the payment process, once the dispute is settled, the commission is deducted from the escrowed funds, and the remaining amount is transferred to one of the parties involved—either the buyer or the seller. If both parties provide evidence supporting their claims, and the Agent finds both to be valid, the escrowed amount is split between the two parties, after deducting the arbitration commission. 

This commission, however, is not subject to a minimum payout threshold or a waiting period. It is transferred directly into the Agent’s cryptocurrency wallet associated with Zenland.

This straightforward and transparent payment process ensures that Agents receive fair compensation for their efforts in contributing to a just and secure online trading environment.

I want to become a Zenland Agent. How to get started?

  1. Apply

Begin by expressing your interest. Fill out the application form available on Zenland’s platform. Make sure you have a proven track record of applicable experience and good judgment and reputation. Once you’ve reviewed everything, submit your application.

  1. Community Evaluation

The Zenland community will evaluate your application. It may take a few days before your application is reviewed. Be patient. 

  1. Approval

Upon community approval, you’ll be granted the status of a Zenland Agent. On your profile page, you will get a little scales icon in front of your username. The username to all is by default “Anonymous”. You could replace it with a better one and add a little bio for clarity.


All approved Agents must list the links to the online communities that they intend to serve as Zenland Agents in the bio of their Zenland profiles.

  1. Let your communities know

Make it easy for people on forums, social media, or elsewhere online to understand what cases you are assisting in, and how you becoming an arbitrator brings peace of mind and credibility to their online transaction. Although there are suggested ways how to do that, choosing the method and communities to arbitrate for is the Agent’s choice.

Resources to Assist You

  • Welcome Book

Welcome Book for new Agents outlines ethical guidelines and essential information on how to maintain eligibility as a Zenland Agent. It will be available to accepted Agents.

Engage with the Zenland support team to gain insights and answers to various questions you may have about the dispute arbitration on Zenland. 

  • Knowledge Base

Yes, the resource you are currently browsing! Knowledge Base provides clear and simple responses to the most commonly asked questions on everything Zenland-related: from the escrow contracts and disputes to its native token (ZENF) and supported networks.

  • Zenland Agent’s Handbook

Gain comprehensive insights into the processes and guidelines from the Zenland Agent’s Handbook. The guide is meant to introduce aspiring and new Agents into the realm of fair and secure online transactions guarded by Zenland Agents.

Who is a Custom Agent on Zenland?

Custom Agents may have diverse backgrounds, ranging from experience in Zenland escrow transactions to expertise in specific industries. They play an important role in enhancing the adaptability of Zenland’s dispute resolution mechanism, providing users with the flexibility to invite experts who can bring a nuanced understanding to their unique cases.

Aspiring Agents can start the process by applying through Zenland’s outlined steps, where the Zenland community evaluates their track record, reasoning skills, and online presence. Buyers and sellers may get to know these individuals on forums, or online platforms and ask to arbitrate their escrow cases if the need arises. Once approved, these Agents become available for assignment to cases where their specific expertise and reputation are valued.

This role suits those who appreciate fair and transparent dispute resolution, providing a secure environment for direct peer-to-peer transactions on Zenland. It’s about being a trusted problem-solver in the world of online trade.