There are two types of expired contracts in Zenland escrow app: editable (A) and uneditable (B).

This distinction is made so that the two types can be easily identified and acted upon.

The contract is editable if one of the parties has not approved it yet but the due date has already passed.
In this case, the side that is yet to approve (let’s say, the seller) should first edit the due date before approval. An important thing to mention is that both parties can chat to mutually agree on the date before approval. After the contract has been approved none of the conditions can be changed at any point up until its execution.
Uneditable contracts are expired contracts that cannot be changed. This happens if after approval the buyer has not deployed the contract to the blockchain and the due date has passed.
If both sides want to make a deal with each other and the contract is uneditable, they can create a new contract with mutually set conditions.