I want to become a Zenland Agent. How to get started?

Estimated reading time: 1 min
  1. Apply

Begin by expressing your interest. Fill out the application form available on Zenland’s platform. Make sure you have a proven track record of applicable experience and good judgment and reputation. Once you’ve reviewed everything, submit your application.

  1. Community Evaluation

The Zenland community will evaluate your application. It may take a few days before your application is reviewed. Be patient. 

  1. Approval

Upon community approval, you’ll be granted the status of a Zenland Agent. On your profile page, you will get a little scales icon in front of your username. The username to all is by default “Anonymous”. You could replace it with a better one and add a little bio for clarity.


All approved Agents must list the links to the online communities that they intend to serve as Zenland Agents in the bio of their Zenland profiles.

  1. Let your communities know

Make it easy for people on forums, social media, or elsewhere online to understand what cases you are assisting in, and how you becoming an arbitrator brings peace of mind and credibility to their online transaction. Although there are suggested ways how to do that, choosing the method and communities to arbitrate for is the Agent’s choice.

Resources to Assist You

  • Welcome Book

Welcome Book for new Agents outlines ethical guidelines and essential information on how to maintain eligibility as a Zenland Agent. It will be available to accepted Agents.

Engage with the Zenland support team to gain insights and answers to various questions you may have about the dispute arbitration on Zenland. 

  • Knowledge Base

Yes, the resource you are currently browsing! Knowledge Base provides clear and simple responses to the most commonly asked questions on everything Zenland-related: from the escrow contracts and disputes to its native token (ZENF) and supported networks.

  • Zenland Agent’s Handbook

Gain comprehensive insights into the processes and guidelines from the Zenland Agent’s Handbook. The guide is meant to introduce aspiring and new Agents into the realm of fair and secure online transactions guarded by Zenland Agents.

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